Blog post every day in November – I’ve made it!

Done. Accomplished. I’ve completed the “Blog post every day in November challenge”. First of all it’s a great feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment as I’ve never done something like this before, in the six years of blogging.

Beginning of the year when I wrote my resolutions, I decided that in 2016 I want to take the challenge and blog every day during one month. As an event blogger, I always found it difficult to blog every day because I go to so many events which take place usually in the evenings, or go to events twice a day, or go on fam-trips with tight schedules, so it felt almost impossible to blog daily.

Attending events, creating content, selecting and editing photos, managing social media, coordinating interviews, the agenda seemed overwhelming to post daily, and even have a blog post schedule, but I really wanted to do this for long time, because I have content, a lot of content to share with you.

I’ll be honest with you, not every day I felt inspired to post, and sometimes didn’t want to post the post I initially planned to. Some days I just stared at the screen for over an hour until I got some inspiration. It always worked in the end! I must add that I underestimated how much content I have from past events and all the creative opportunities to re purpose this content: via video, images on social media, long and short pieces of content and more.

I extremely enjoyed this challenge and saw positive outcomes. Two major being growing my online network and readership!


You probably ask yourself, one must plan and schedule daily post. Simple answer is yes, but it’s not that simple! Before starting I only prepared four articles which I published in the beginning of the challenge and from there I wrote new article every day. As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I rarely have pre-written posts. I usually write down all the ideas and topics I’d like to cover, but only half of them actually make it to a blog post! I usually write one article at a time.

As a blogger, I do think that scheduling content is important, so the readers learn your pattern and know when to expect new articles. That way one can grow loyal readership and community.

If you want to try a similar challenge, here are few ideas what to post:

“How to” & lists
Research piece
Opinion piece
Fun content
Image gallery
Webinar write ups
Live event write ups
Twitter chat write ups
Venue reviews

I’ll definitely repeat the challenge, and now that I’ve done it once I’ve learned few lessons. Next time I’m attending an event I’ll take more raw material, especially images, both with the phone and camera. Planning to focus next year more on video, I’ll also make short and long pieces of video you’ll be able to watch on The MICE Blog YouTube channel.

Make sure to connect with me on my social media platforms, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, where I also post on a daily basis micro-content. Thank you again for reading this blog!!

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