The highlights from the buzzing and colourful exhibition floor:
When I first entered the exhibition I had to go through a short “Confex Tag Cloud Tunel” and had the option to talk into the “catch box”- a type of throwable microphone. I like this fantastic idea of getting the attendees engaged from the first moment they enter the exhibition floor.
Pick ‘n’ mix is one of my favourite concepts and I met these guys already at other exhibitions. The ‘self-service’ sweets station is a popular addition to almost every event, be it corporate or leisure. I will definitely book these guys for one of my future events.
It seemed that the stand of the Old Manor Hotel was the busiest at the exhibition. They literally brought the hotel with them. While Matthew the Chef served salmon canapés the visitors could participate in a shooting game, which is also one of the outdoor activities offered at the hotel in cooperation with the incentive company Teampursuits. If there would be the “most creative stand award” the Old Manor will have my vote.
Another great idea was of Incredible Artists Company and their Champaign Hostess. Placing one hostess by the entrance will WOW the attendees and can be a good ice breaker at a party. Looks very luxurious isn’t it?
The networking lounge/coffee bar was another good idea and was centrally located. Once I even spotted the Confex team performing.
Event branding is always a good idea, especially when it’s on chocolate!
Other companies I was happy to see were eventbrite, Destination Manchester, Liverpool and Belfast and got some updates on their new projects and venues.
I really wish that the exhibition will be one day longer. There were so many talks and panel discussions I wanted to attend but at the same time it was important for me to visit some of the exhibitors and see friends and colleagues from the industry. I hope everyone enjoyed the exhibition and took the most out of it!