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Leader spotlight – Pauline Kwasniak, Founder, TurnedSee

End of last year I e-met on Twitter Pauline Kwasniak, the Ireland based founder of TurnedSee and we naturally started chatting about the industry. Being active in the digital space myself, I immediately felt that Pauline also “gets it”, and perhaps that’s why quickly we found a common language. She is one of the leading industry vloggers, and vlogs weekly on Facebook. The first video that I saw and caught my attention was called “If you are not visible to your potential clients on SOCIAL MEDIA you are ultimately INVISIBLE”. Since then I enjoy following her entrepreneurial journey and delighted to share it also with you here. This boss lady walks the talk and puts out an enormous amount of B2B content, on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and interacts with her community on a daily basis. I want to give her a big applause for her hustle online and offline.

Let’s start from the beginning, how did you get into the events industry?

I have been involved in events, since I was a little girl. Back in Poland, I was involved in various charity and local events. When I moved over to Ireland at 16, I did the same in school and college. After my graduation, I started to work with various events and corporate clients, before launching my own venues sourcing and groups hosting agency However, having worked with many corporate clients, I found it problematic to research unique venues and quickly match them with the client’s needs. Together with my team I have developed TurnedSee – which using our proprietary software can match the right buyer, to the right venues at the right time.

Blog post every day in November – I’ve made it!

Done. Accomplished. I’ve completed the “Blog post every day in November challenge”. First of all it’s a great feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment as I’ve never done something like this before, in the six years of blogging.

Beginning of the year when I wrote my resolutions, I decided that in 2016 I want to take the challenge and blog every day during one month. As an event blogger, I always found it difficult to blog every day because I go to so many events which take place usually in the evenings, or go to events twice a day, or go on fam-trips with tight schedules, so it felt almost impossible to blog daily.

Temasek Polytechnic Singapore & The MICE Blog Q & A

Back in September I spoke to students from Temasek Polytechnic Singapore who study for Diploma in Leisure & Events Management. They were in London on a study trip and invited me to speak about blogging and social media, sharing my personal story and how I started the blog. In the end we used for the Q & A. I love using during my presentations because students always have the best questions. Let’s see what they asked.

How do you generate revenues from your blog?

There are several ways I generate revenue from the blog and these include

  • Lecturing about blogging and social media for events
  • #EventPlannersTalk LIVE event sponsorship and ticket sales
  • GoogleAdsense, these are the adverts you see on the right hand side
  • Sponsored post

Do you blog on a full time basis (Is it a job? Are you paid?)? Or is it solely based on your own interest and hobbies?

Yes, since 2016 I blog full time. A lot of what I write about is based on my own interests and hobbies, such as the destinations I travel to, events I attend and the content I choose for #EventPlannersTalk Twitter chat and LIVE events.

After how long of blogging will you then start earning from blogging?

It depends! It took me five years to start earning from blogging, but I also wasn’t doing it full time and wasn’t pro-active on sales.

What keep you working on your blog consistently?

My desire to share knowledge and because I love this industry keeps me working on the blog. From reporting about events, I have now the desire to create and decide on event content myself, and this I achieve through #EventPlannersTalk Twitter chat and LIVE events.

I believe when you started blogging, you would definitely encounter many negative people or I would say, “haters”. What keeps you pressing on and blogging?

I try and associate myself with positive and supportive people, who are as passionate as me about the events industry and collaborative.

What is unique about your blog that make it popular?

These are two things that make my blog unique. First is the very specific niche I’m covering. I have very strong focus on meetings, incentive, conferences and exhibitions. Secondly, readers love that my blog is very visual, on the blog and across social media channels.

What is your ultimate goal of blogging? Is it to network more with event lovers? Is it to gather more event lovers together or..??

Multiple, and they are constantly evolving. I started the blog back in 2011 as a way to connect with like-minded people, but now it’s also a way to build my personal brand and create a community. Blogging goals vary from person to person, and can be a cost effective way to grow and monetise the business, promote business (though sharing expertise and case studies), “Break the news” – such as publishing the press release on the blog and don’t have to rely on industry magazines, drive traffic to website and SEO, networking and last by not least making it a full time job.

How do you attract followers to your blog?

I use multiple techniques to attract followers and these are

  • Guest authors, crowdsourcing and interviews
  • Collaborations with major MICE suppliers who have larger database than me
  • Popular topics, such as event management education attracts new readers and shared more
  • Post regularly and consistently
  • #EventPlannesTalk Twitter chats
  • #EventPlannesTalk LIVE events

Do you engage with professionals to produce your photos and videos? Or do you learn Photoshop and after effect and produce the visuals yourself?

Both! This is something I had to learn and I’m still learning to take good photos. When I have budget from a sponsor I will always work with a professional (so I can pay them) so I can focus on other things, such as talking with event organisers and gathering more content.

It took you five years to start earning from blogging. How did you keep the passion alive?

I worked in events and studied event management therefore it was always a passion. First when I realised that it opens new doors, such as event invitations or networking opportunities, I kept doing it to build my profile and personal brand. Only later I realised that I can also monetize the blog through organising events or sponsored post because there was suddenly demand for it.

What are challenges when you 1st started the MICE blog?

When I started I didn’t have challenges because no one knew who I am. Only now, as the blog grows I encounter challenges. There are minor challenges, such as exceeding data space on the server and needing an upgrade, when updating a plug-in it messes up my google analytics and I lose stats for couple of days until I fix it, or some features on the blog don’t work properly because a plug-in is not updated. A bigger challenge I see now is how to innovate in this space and keep the content fresh and interesting.

How do you ensure that you content is interesting so that the blog is always active?

As mentioned above, it’s a constant challenge! It’s important for me to stay on top of what’s happening in the industry and be the first to report about a topic, event, destination or a venue.

How do you go for holidays if you have to blog weekly?

I cover many MICE destinations on the blog, therefore I can often combine holidays with blogging. This was the case when I went to Monaco and Nice.

© The MICE Blog

Monaco, September 2014

Do you actually share things on what you like on your blog or do you share what others want to see, or know about on your blog?

A mix of both, but more about what I like or personally experienced, as this what also makes my blog more personal and unique.

Since you know that in the fashion or food industry, bloggers earn more and are more known there. What makes you still want to get into blogging about events?

I didn’t start the blog in the first place to earn money therefore I enjoy doing this.

What was the best event you have been in your life and why?

The best one was the Meetovation training in Copenhagen in 2014. For me, that was the first time I experiences and learned about meeting design and the three day training was very intense, interactive and engaging. The training covered five elements of the Meetovation: active involvement, creative set up, local inspiration, responsible thinking and return on investment.

© The MICE Blog - event management blog

Case study is a fantastic method for participants to implement their knowledge. We got a case to organise a strategy kick off meeting for HR managers from car accessories sector and plan an event around the purpose of the meeting: present the new HR strategy, develop on subjects such as internal communication, recruitment process, motivation of staff and individual development planning. Lastly to include social elements that help people to get to know each other better. In addition to that – the event needed to reinforce three company values: loyalty, excitement, and development. After the initial brainstorming session we got a kit from out instructor Ann – “meet in a box” that is to visualise our meeting concept. This kit included all major venues in Copenhagen, seating styles, catering, transportation etc. to possibly visualise the meeting to potential clients. This is was the result. 

Would you consider coming to Singapore?


Thank you for the great presentation and interesting way of Q&A!:)

Social media strategies for agencies – my talk at The Meetings Show

Today we hear a lot about engagement, community, creating amazing content, but where do you start? On 9th July I held a session at The Meetings Show about social media strategies for agencies and my aim at this session was to share my experience how I grew my blog, audience and engagement, rather than using another buzz word. On social media, there is no distinction between B2B or B2C. People are spending time on the same channels, and you need to be where they are, with the right content.

At this session, I listed ten techniques that worked for me over the past years, and each was added over the years. If you don’t have social media in place yet don’t worry – take your time and pick the techniques that are right for you and which you can follow consistently. Consistency in essential when doing social media for your business. I focused on two main areas, creating content and driving engagement on social media.

Before going forward, I would like to say it is necessary to have a page where you want to redirect the audience. It can be a blog, your website, an event registration page etc.

Creating content

Choose three social media platforms

Social media can be overwhelming and requires a lot of time! If you are the only person managing it I recommend choosing three platforms and focusing on them. Choosing the platforms is based on your own preferences, where your audience is and how comfortable you are with using them. For me, for example, I chose Twitter, Instagram and Facebook because Twitter is instant and the latter two are visual, which is important for the type of content I post on social media. Nevertheless I do use other platforms, LinkedIn and Pinterest and periodically share content there, but they are not my main platform.

Use visuals

We are creative industry, therefore visuals are essential to bring the message across. Photos from events you attend or organise, fam-trip, site-seeing, dinners etc. are a great way to showcase and document your work.

From what I have experienced, high quality photos get higher engagement rates. How do you get good images? First of all it is practice. I always take 5 – 10 photos before I chose which one to post on social media. Especially when taking photos of speakers, make everyone look nice on the photo – no eyes closed for example. When people look good on the photos they are more likely to share or tag themselves.

When you have the chance, get the photos from a professional photographer on-site. Ask them to send you few photos, or give them your camera to make them, and when they do don’t forget to credit them.

© The MICE Blog - event management blog

This photo was taken by Lisa Payne from Together Forever Photography and generated higher level of engagement. Lighting and focus just perfect! 

Be personal – share your hobbies, interests, everyday life or if company – back stage 

Don’t talk only about your business. People are interested to know who is the person behind the brand and your values. Very often people connect with you because they share similar values – be it family, wellbeing, success, adventure etc.

Repurpose content 

So you wrote a long piece of content, what’s next? After some time you need to repurpose it and bring the content up.

Why do we need to do it?

  • Not everyone is going to read every piece of content you post
  • You have new followers since the time you posted it
  • You need to update the content. This is something I realised when I did the “venue of the day” feature. My very first article was about an event at Kempinski Hotel Munich Airport, but to my surprise when I wanted to feature it – it wasn’t Kempinski anymore, but Hilton! Venues are changing owners all the time, and we need to be on top of it.

Post daily

Yes, social media is a full time job and you need to post daily AND good quality content. How do you know what to post? Here I suggest a strategy I was introduced to at the LinkedIn seminar by Jason Miller, Global Content Marketing at LinkedIn, different type of content every day from Monday to Friday. While it is brilliant, the reality is, is that you won’t have time to post every day (unless you hire someone to do it for you), so Instagram and Facebook posts are short pieces of content and great to keep in touch with your audience.

Last but not least, don’t forget to post on the weekends and outside 9am to 5pm working hours.

Driving engagement

20/80 rule

The longer time you spend on social media, the more you will realise the 20/80 rule – 20 percent of your effort will generate 80 percent of results.

How do you get it? Here are couple of examples:

  • Guest authors and crowd sourcing. If you ask 20 event planners what their tips are for successful summer party and post it on your blog, your article will be shared over 20 times and generate great traffic.
  • Collaborations with big brands. When you post an article or photo of major industry brand, venue or destination and they share it on their page or include it in their mailing it will drive high engagement to your website and increase your exposure.
  • Write about popular or controversial topics, such as women in events or event management degrees and I guarantee that will drive traffic for months after you post it.

Create a community  

After you have all the above in place, you can create a community. Creating a community is a lot of work and requires you to be consistent. You will need to choose on which platform to create the community, who will manage it, around what content you will drive the discussion and more. Before creating a community I would suggest you to be part of another community and contribute as a member. Learn the dynamics, what makes people engaged, who are the members etc. Every community will be different and you need to keep an open mind and be consistent.

Scale content

When you have developed a clear content strategy and post regularly, it is time to scale your content. For example, if you have a monthly feature, do it a weekly feature, if you have a weekly feature, do it a daily feature (e.g. – venue of the day and incentive of the day features I run in March and June are an example). It keeps you focused and your audience knows what to expect and when.

Know your analytics     

You know how to improve your content only when you know what works. Therefore, it is recommended to have analytics from the very beginning and compare results over the months and years. There are different analytics tools out there, the one I use most is google analytics and it shows me the traffic to my blog. As mentioned in the very beginning, with your social media activities you need to redirect the traffic to a website and measure the results (It can be ticket sales, new customers or increased brand exposure and traffic to the website).

Don’t forget face-to-face

It is great to have many followers, but what is really important is also face-to-face communication. Having a strong social media presence needs to align with your “real” persona and both your online and offline profiles need to be consistent.

That is all for now. Hope you could pick the strategies right for you. Social media is an on-going learning curve and you will need to test and experiment before you will get it right. In our industry, as opposed to fashion, food or retail, the lead time is much longer. If in food industry you can sell a meal for £20, selling event service is much more expensive with longer lead time, where you need to build relationship and establish confidence first.

My session at The Meetings Show – Social media strategies for agencies

Attending The Meetings Show this week? I would like to invite you to attend my speaking session Social Media Strategies for Agencies taking place at The Meetings Show, conference room 4 on 9 July from 13:50 – 14:45.

My session will cover two main areas, creating content and driving engagement on the different social media platforms.

Regardless if you are B2B or B2C, your clients and suppliers are on social media and you have to reach them via the channels they spend most of their time on. Blogging and social media provide a cost-effective way to leverage content across the different channels, create brand awareness and win business. No more buzz words, I will share with you my personal experience with blogging and social media, give tips how to gain followers and build a community around your brand, how to find prospective clients, build stronger partnerships with suppliers and more.

About The Meetings Show

The Meetings Show will take place 7-9 July 2015 at London Olympia. It features a large exhibition with over 400 UK and international destinations, venues, hotels and meeting industry suppliers plus numerous networking opportunities and 80+ sessions of professional education covering agency, corporate, association, technology, healthcare and meeting design sectors. The show features the largest proven hosted buyer programme in the UK meetings market – 900 qualified buyers will attend in 2015, from corporate, association, agency and public sectors all of whom take part in pre-­scheduled appointments with exhibitors.

I would be delighted if you could attend and look forward to welcoming you next week.