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What is it like to attend a pop-up event in a Twitter Shop?

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First of all, a massive thank you to everyone who joined the first ever #EventPlannersTalk on Twitter yesterday where we discussed ‘How to Promote Events using Social Media’? So many interesting insights and thoughts on the topic were exchanged during that hour and I can’t wait to host the next one on 15th September where we’ll discuss sustainability and green events.

Talking already about social media, it’s a good opportunity to share with you my impressions from the Marc Jacobs pop-up ‘tweet shop’ that took place last weekend in Covent Garden, London. After the successful campaign in New York, London was chosen to host the event. How did it work? They set up a pop-up shop for three days to promote the Daisy Marc Jacobs fragrance and customers were encouraged to use the hashtag #MJDaisyChain instead of cash to get a sample of the fragrance. In addition they had a DJ, coffee station, nail bar, lounge, Vine booth and Twitter wall.

That was a B2C event and in general I enjoyed the idea and the experience. B2B events can learn from this case study how to engage with their audience on social media.

There are only two things in my opinion Marc Jacobs could have done better. Firstly, why only tweets? They could encourage the customers to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and so on the campaign and gain larger brand exposure. Some people may have even more followers on other platforms than Twitter. Secondly, the brand didn’t interact with me. When I tweeted the hashtag no one from Marc Jacobs liked nor retweeted it, nor replied and welcomed me to the store or thanked me for coming. I just found it a pity that the brand didn’t engage with potential or existent customers, while they have them already in the store, using their products.

If you had the chance to attend the event I would be happy to hear your thoughts and experience and feel free to share impressions if you came across similar campaigns in the past.

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How to promote events using social media?

Unfortunately, there is no one solution fits all when talking about ‘how to promote events using social media’. The reason for that is that we have B2B and B2C events, private and public, local and international and hybrid and face-to-face events. The only way to know how to manage it, is to understand the different platforms and create an appropriate strategy for each platform.

It’s not enough just having Facebook, Twitter and Instagram profiles, it’s about using them and the quality of content that goes on these platforms and the frequency of updates. Yesterday I listened to one of my favourite marketing speakers (you can watch it here, he’s brilliant!) and someone asked him ‘is it better to update your social networks once a week with great content or daily with poor content’ and he answered the following: Why it has to be one or the other, why not both? So the bottom line is to put out a lot of quality content. By doing that you’ll realise that your community starts growing and people start engaging with you or your brand on social media. Gary’s comment is very relevant for events. Very often I see abandoned event accounts which start picking up and share content closer to the event date. I even noticed that some of the major exhibitions forget to change the event date on their profile from the previous year! That’s a shame because these events are missing to create meaningful connections with their existent and future audience. During the year it’s actually excellent time to attract attendees to your event, and social media is the most efficient and cost effective tool to do so.

Social media for events is about trial, error and testing. From my experience, you have to be 24/7 on it, you can’t respond to your customers only from Monday to Friday from 9am until 5pm because it will be regarded as poor customer service.

Lastly, and maybe most important, make sure that your tone of voice is the same both online and offline, especially for corporates. Just to give you an example, there is one corporate account I follow and used to like their friendly tone of voice on Twitter until I met them at an exhibition. The team didn’t have an idea about the conversation going-on on their social media, even their own updates. That’s a big gap when you think you ‘know’ the person and he ‘knows’ you because you follows each others updates. On the other hand, I tweeted with corporate accounts that were very coordinated, provided the names of representatives on site and our conversation keeps going on social media long after the exhibition is over.

If you have anything to add to the topic I’ll be happy to read your comment below or we’ll discuss more social media for events on Monday, 18th August, so make sure you join the #EventPlannersTalk chat on twitter, 9pm BST (You can read the discussion questions here).

In addition, in my next post I’ll talk about the Marc Jacobs pop-up tweet shop in Covent Garden, London which is taking place this weekend, where customers can pay with tweets instead of cash for product samples.

I wish you all a fantastic weekend and see you soon!


How to promote events using social media?

Photo by: Irina Trofimovskaya

Introducing #EventPlannersTalk: The Premiere

Is it me or it seems that August is a VERY quit month for events? Everyone is on holidays, less events are taking place (and when they do the attendance is very low) and I constantly keep receiving ‘out of office’ responses or ‘please note that I’ll be out of office from..’.

I just thought it would be nice to keep in touch with the industry and create a twitter chat to fulfil this gap (or call it a ‘virtual event’). Everyone, from everywhere in the world can participate, share experience and network with fellow event professionals.

The topic of the twitter chat is ‘How to Promote Events using Social Media’. During the chat don’t forget to use the hashtag #EventPlannersTalk. There are so many interesting and important topics we can discuss including event logistics, ticketing, pricing, risk management, marketing, HR etc., so I hope we can keep the chat going also in the future.

The virtual party will take place on Monday, 18th August at 9pm BST. Don’t forget to join the event also on Facebook.

The questions are:

Q1: Which social media platforms do you use to promote your events (e.g.- Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.)?

Q2: Which social media tools do you use to manage your events (e.g.- eventbrite, TweetDeck etc.)?

Q3: What is the most effective way to communicate with attendees on social media? (e.g.- blog, twitter etc.)

Q4: How do you communicate event hashtags to your attendees?

Q5: Do you have social media strategy for your events (as organiser) or did you come across best use of social media at events (as attendee)?

Q6: What is your experience with promoting B2B events on Facebook? via @Pickevent

Of course you can add your questions in the comment section below of ask them during the chat. See you on Monday on twitter. Please share and invite friends and colleagues!

Looking forward to chatting with you!

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Popular Event #Hashtags on Twitter and Instagram

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What hashtags do you usually use when you want to connect with fellow event professionals on Twitter and Instagram to stay on top of event news, or to find the best venue or catering for your event?

In this post I decided to gather the top hashtags event professionals use to connect and gather information.

Maybe the most common and international is #eventprofs. We use it to promote events, when we tweet live from conferences, to share event jobs, events we organise, blog posts and basically everything related to events and event management.

#Eventtech is another popular hashtag, and as it indicates, it’s all about tech. Be it an event app, registration system, event management software or ticketing platform, you can find all the resources when using this hashtag. In addition, event start-ups are also using this hashtag to promote their products and events.

#Eventhour is a twitter chat for event planners, venues, suppliers, event students and everyone in the events industry. In general, the hashtag is mostly used every Wednesday between 9pm – 10pm GMT, when the twitter chat takes place but can be used during the week to interact with the event community. Everyone is welcome to ask questions and start a discussion on any event related topic. Unfortunately, some companies abuse this chat to promote their products. Personally, I rarely click on the links promoted during this hour and regard it as spam. Instead, companies shall use this hour to interact with the event community, engage and contribute to discussions.

#EventAlley is an interactive live talk show for the event industry that takes place every Wednesday at 6pm GMT. Every week they host a guest and discuss new or current topics. Participants are encouraged to ask questions on twitter and express their opinions on the topic. The show is less than an hour and all the episodes can be found on their YouTube channel.

#EventBlogChat is a twitter chat for event bloggers and planners every first Monday of each month at 9pm GMT. It’s a new chat, started three month ago and gives an opportunity to the international event bloggers community to network and share best practice. Every month there will be a topic and five questions around the topic. The chat is run by myself and Caitlin from ‘I’m a Damn Student, What do I Know?’ blog.

#Eventjobs is a popular hashtag for everyone looking for jobs in the industry and often used by event recruitment agencies or agencies to promote available positions. It’s a good hashtag to use to make research if you’re looking for a job or if you are looking for event planner.

Both Twitter and Instagram encourage using hashtags and you can even create your own hashtags if you decide to use them on regular basis (for example, I use #themiceblogrecommends on Instagram to promote venues I like and trust). Because there is a 140 characters limit on twitter, in general I will use one to two hashtags on this platform. On Instagram, on the other hand, there is a limit of 30 hashtags, so I tag the photos with all relevant hashtags.

Other hashtags used by industry professionals are: #EventStudents, #EventPlanner, #MeetingProfs,#EventPlanning, #Catering, #EventDesign, #MICE and #BrandActivation.

Do you have a hashtags to add? Please share in the comments below.

A picture is worth a thousand words: Interview with Dan Strang, CEO / Founder of eventstagram

Couple of months ago I discovered eventstagram and started following their news on Twitter and Instagram. Eventstagram is a live Instagram slideshow for events where participants can view all photos in the same place by using the same hashtag. The photos are shared live on the screen for everyone to see and enjoy them. Eventstagram is very easy to use and all your need is a screen/ projector, laptop or any other device to play the photos and internet connection.

I met Dan the CEO of eventstagram at their Wayra offices to chat about his business, how it all started and what their future plans are. Eventstagram received initial funding from Wyra which is part of Telefónica and invests in up to 20 UK based start-ups each year. In addition to funding, it provides nine month of mentoring and office space in return for small percentage equity in the company. To receive the funding 3,444 companies applied and only 30 were invited to the final and eventstagram was one of the lucky winners.

Launched in 2012, in less than two years the company grew organically and received great support from the events industry. Now they employ 3 web developers, 1 designer, 2 sales and 2 marketing representatives all under the direction of Dan. About 65% of their business is in the US, one of the reasons that from September eventstagram will open an office in New York. The idea of eventstagram was born when a friend of Ollie, eventstagram’s CTO, considered having disposable cameras at his wedding. But Ollie came up with another suggestion of using Instagram. When he didn’t find any solution on the web, being a web developer he just set it up as a wedding present. The couple was able to get all the photos and to create a book out of it. That was a very positive experience where Ollie realised that it can work for any event. Dan came on board to help with sales and marketing and within short period of time eventstagram was used at events in the UK and abroad.


Dan & Ollie © Eventstagram

While it can be used at concerts, sport stadiums, parties, exhibitions and basically everywhere where there is a screen and an internet connection, now eventstagram decided to further develop their wedding product which accounts for up to 35% of the sales volume. Wedding features include live wedding album with possibility to print it out and table place cards.

To date one of the biggest eventstagram customers is The O2 Arena and if you tag the photos with #TheO2 they will show up on their screens.

I asked Dan what was their biggest challenge when they just set up the company, but it seems that for them there were not much as from day one they had high-end brands and events using their services. But Dan added that biggest challenge for every company is to find the first customer. If you struggle to find a customer propose to do it for free so you get the experience and the brand name.

Lastly a good advice from Dan on how to leverage the business is very simple, “Find out what works and repeat it”.

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Being a big fan of Instagram, technology and the start-up scene it was very inspiring to meet Dan and learn more about their product.

Have you tried eventstagram? How was your experience?