#EventPlannersTalk began back in August 2014 on Twitter and today is the first point of contact for everyone interested to join future Twitter chats and live events.
Chatting with you weekly on Twitter was a natural fit to team-up with TweetWall Pro and use their platform for #EventPlannersTalk (both online and live). TweetWall Pro provides an interactive platform to use during events to drive attendee engagement in real time and generate buzz. For event goers it is a fun and interactive experience, and let’s admit it – you like seeing yourself on the big screen. For organisers it is an excellent tool, too, because they have the opportunity to collect event story, see all the contributors (even the ones not attending the event), most popular tweets, top contributors and total outreach.
In addition to that, it provides comprehensive post event analytics for organisers, which they can use for feedback and comparison with previous events.
Setting up your event feed
Don’t worry, it is not too “techy” and everyone can manage to set it up for their event, also TweetWall Pro team can help you out. It is very easy to use the platform but in order to make the most out of it, it is recommended to spend 1 – 2 hours initially to understand all what you can do with it. TweetWall Pro provides an excellent training and support on skype and can help you out with setting up the event but if you want to do last minute changes it is good to have an overview of all function.
When setting up your event you can choose more than one hashtag to show on live stream. For #EventPlannersTalk live event, for example, I have also included #EventPlannersTalkLive hashtag, just in case someone uses it. It is good to keep in mind that the audience sometimes uses industry hashtags, such as #eventprofs, and not only of your event so you might want to include these, too.
One of the best functions is that you can duplicate your event so no need to set it up every time from scratch.
You can choose and optimise the live feed according to your needs – colours, animation, tag clouds etc. Something I will definitely spend more time on before the next event!
#EventPlannersTalk live event tag cloud
Before your session goes live, you have to choose whether you want moderation or not. Moderation means that you can block tweets which are not relevant to your event, or you can add users or words to the filter which you don’t want to see on the screen. Additionally, if you do have a manual filter option on, you can still set up the filter for priority users who can bypass all filters and moderation. If you decide to go with manual moderation it is recommended to assign someone to manage it.
If you think that your feed can be easily cluttered with promo tweets and you want to avoid it, moderation is definitely recommended. If you don’t moderate your feed spam tweets will distort your analytics report.
Good opportunity to mention your event sponsors and you can do it by integrating their photos, logos or videos on the wall.
To make it more fun and engaging for attendees, in the end of the event you can select a winner randomly or reward top event contributors.
When you close the session you get immediate access to your event analytics including all tweets, most popular tweets, top contributors etc. which is very comprehensive and available both on your dashboard and in PDF format and can be shared with your audience via social media.
#EventPlannersTalk Twitter statistics from chat on 9th February Experience vs. Academia
#EventPlannersTalk live event analytics
It was very beneficial using this platform and I will keep using it. In my opinion, to make the most out of this tool, best is to use it for multiple events to be able to compare results and the level of engagement over time. But most importantly, listen to the conversation and see what attendees are sharing, or if they are not sharing “enough”, how can you encourage them to share more and engage with your event and each other.
Sharing with you all this experience I can’t wait until the next #EventPlannersTalk event! To stay updated on all latest Twitter chats and live events, you are welcome to join the weekly chat on Twitter every Monday from 9-10pm UK time (Except on every first Monday of each month when #EventBlogChat takes place).
I would love to hear your thoughts on how to engage event attendees on Twitter and how to reward top contributors.